Thursday, August 26, 2010

My life as of late...

The wedding is finally over and my life can get back to normal. Weddings are definitely to much drama for me and I wish to never do that again! Luckily I married the best guy ever so I am done with weddings. I do get to be in my friend, Stacey's, wedding next year, but there is way less pressure and my own family is not involved so it will be great! Well this summer seemed to fly by. I am glad though because summer classes are awful! Seriously if you do not have to take them don't! Nothing is worse that 3 hour classes that meet 5 days a week! I surprised myself though by making it through them all with mostly all As! Not to say that this Fall semester will not be hard, because 18 credit hours and 25 hours of work every week will be difficult, but it is better than having the same class everyday. This is my last fall semester at Ball State for undergrad! I cannot wait to graduate! Hopefully this year will fly by and I will be graduating before I know it! I feel like once I graduate my life can officially begin with a grown up job a family and all that good stuff! I am ready for it all! I am getting worn out of working at Best Buy! It is a great place, but I seriously dread going to work because it is becoming very repetitive. I know it will be great experience to have, but I just feel like quitting every single day I am there! Hopefully it will get better! So Derek and I have moved into what I feel is a real apartment (rather than a funished apartment.) We still are not living by ourselves yet, but after this year we will never live with anyone else ever again, unless they are our own children. Not that I hate the people I am living with, I just wish Derek and I had our own place! Well anyway enough of my rambling only one class left here I come!